A Lucky Pick Hat Trick for Antigua

St. John’s, Antigua – October 4, 2019: Not one, not two, but three Antiguan residents have won Caribbean Lottery’s Lucky Pick game within the past two weeks. The trio’s winnings add up to a grand total of EC$388,500.00.
Jackpot winner D’Jon Pope won EC$173,000, after a dream the night before suggested to him that he should give it a try. Mr. Pope said his winnings will help him to acquire a home of his own. “I am tired of paying rent,” he said. His suggestion for other players is: “You’ve got to be in it to win it, so play. One day, you will be as happy as I am now!”
Angelique Pryce did not sleep well either, before getting up early one morning to check her ticket – and finding that she had some winning numbers. She was thrilled to learn that she had won EC$117,500. Ms. Pryce, who sometimes bursts out laughing when she thinks about her win, is planning to buy a piece of land and perhaps start a fashion business.
63-year-old Selford Jarvis just won EC$98,000, after buying a Lucky Pick ticket with a Quick Pick at Joker’s Tavern in St. John’s. He says his win will “come in very handy,” as he needs to make repairs to his home. A daily Caribbean Lottery player, he says he loves all the games and does not have a favourite.
Paula Williams, Site Manager for Caribbean Lottery, expressed her delight at the triple win. “They sometimes say that good things come in threes, and this is certainly the case with our three happy Lucky Pick winners,” she enthused. “We congratulate them all, and we are very happy that their winnings will help them fulfil their dreams.”
Lucky Pick is one of Caribbean Lottery’s most popular games, with a daily drawing at 8:00 every evening. Caribbean Lottery wishes to remind players that they must present a valid ticket to claim a prize; and that they must be eighteen years or older to purchase or redeem tickets.
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