Caribbean Lottery produces another Super Lotto millionaire in Anguilla

Winner takes all after playing same numbers for every Super Lotto draw
Caribbean Lottery is pleased to announce that the Super Lotto Jackpot for Friday, June 16, 2017 in the amount of EC $6,530,000, was won by two players, one of whom is an Anguillan.
The lucky Anguillan winner, Keith Brooks won a share of the jackpot amounting to EC$4,080,000 with a $6 ticket. The other winner, from Jamaica, purchased a split price ticket and won US$909,921 or EC $2,456,789. Both players purchased the winning numbers: 06, 09, 11, 16, 19 and Super Ball 04.
An elated Keith, shared that he has been playing Super Lotto since the game’s introduction in Anguilla.
“I play my own numbers. There are five of them. I play 06, which is my lucky number; 09, the day on which I was born; 11, the month on which I was born; 19, the beginning of the year when I was born; and 16 – I just love that number!”
“In every draw I would play those five numbers and match them with the Super Lotto ball from 1 to 10. I only had five favorite numbers, and winning the Super Lotto jackpot requires six - so I decided to buy my five favorite numbers and purchased all the Super Lotto balls from 1 to 10.” Keith added.
“Well, here’s my story. It’s quite amazing what can happen to you in one day. The best, and the worst!”
This win is a special one for Keith who was quite emotional about his great fortune: “On that fateful day, I had two car accidents. In the first accident, the mirror of my car was broken and the driver did not stop. I didn’t bother to chase the motorist and decided to let it be. I then went to drop off my play slips at Moving Violations to play my Super Lotto, planning to pick them up later.”
Keith goes on to recount that his day seemed to be going even further downhill after accidentally hitting another vehicle in his friend’s driveway.
“I went to bed that night praying to God. And yes, I admit - I included the Super Lotto jackpot in my prayers. In the morning I got up, went onto my back porch and thanked God for waking me up and for his blessings in protecting and keeping me. Things could have been worse. I started my daily chores, as usual. It was just another day… or so I thought!” Keith added.
Keith recounts in vivid details the events leading up to the moment he recognised that he had become a Super Lotto Millionaire.
“At my friend’s house, I ran upstairs.”
“Turn down the television!” I said to him. “Something stupid happened in Anguilla! Stupid!”
“My friend looked worried. “Calm down!” he said, “Tell me what happened.”
“I said to him ....Look at this! Look at this, I have all the numbers for the Super Lotto!”
My friend looked doubtful. He even laughed. He said “Boy, you lie!”
In the end, he took the results and my tickets from me and looked at them closely.
“Yes, you’ve won!” he concluded.
“You’ve won the Super Lotto jackpot!”
“At that moment, I just broke down. I began to cry. Then I laughed. Then I felt numb. Then chills went through me… You name the emotions I felt. I went through them all!”
Keith joins a rich history for Caribbean Lottery, having joined a long list of Super Lotto winners. Super Lotto has generated over $2.4 million in prizes for over 86,900 winners so far this year. This in line with the Company’s ‘Customer First’ approach to gaming, operating with the highest levels of integrity, transparency, responsibility and service.
Keith shared his personal note of gratitude to the gaming company, “I am so thankful to The Caribbean Lottery for giving me the opportunity to play their games.”
“Now I can really make my dreams come true.”
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