Caribbean Lottery supports the restoration of the USVI through St. Thomas Carnival Partnership

June 12, 2019 – St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands: Saint Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands hosted its own lively Carnival from April 1 to May 4, 2019, turning up the tempo on one of the islands that suffered a beating from two Category 5 hurricanes in September 2017. Caribbean Lottery lent a hand of support with a US$6,000 contribution, through a partnership with the VI Lottery for the carnival event.
Caribbean Lottery also supported the event by operating a kiosk on “Lottery Night” on April 29. At the kiosk, Caribbean Lottery conducted sales of its products and gave away promotional prizes such as branded mugs, bags, cups, scratched tickets and other items.
Mr. Brian Gardine, Site Operations Manager at Caribbean Lottery, congratulated the organizers of St. Thomas Carnival on conducting an enjoyable and peaceful event. “We are so impressed by the resilience of our Caribbean culture and of the islands such as Saint Thomas, which were hit by the hurricanes. This is a part of what we at Caribbean Lottery believe in – the pageants, children’s events and musical performances are all expressions of our tradition. We were happy to celebrate with residents and visitors in Saint Thomas!”
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